SQLite Alter Table Add Column

SQLite is a powerful, lightweight database engine that allows you to store and manage data efficiently. One of the essential tasks when working with SQLite is modifying the structure of existing tables. In this article, we’ll explore how to use the ALTER TABLE statement to add new columns to an SQLite table, enabling you to extend your database schema as your application evolves.

Creating a Basic Table

Before we dive into adding columns, let’s start by creating a basic table to work with. Suppose we have a simple database for tracking sales data. We can create a sales table with the following SQL statement:

    product TEXT,
    quantity INTEGER,
    price REAL,
    date DATE

This creates a table named sales with columns for id, product, quantity, price, and date. Let’s insert some sample data into the table:

INSERT INTO sales (product, quantity, price, date)
    ('Widget A', 10, 19.99, '2023-07-01'),
    ('Gadget B', 5, 29.99, '2023-07-02'),
    ('Widget A', 8, 19.99, '2023-07-03');

Now we have a basic sales table with some initial data to work with.

Adding a New Column

As our application evolves, we may need to store additional information in the sales table. For example, let’s say we want to add a customer column to track the customer associated with each sale. To add a new column to an existing table in SQLite, we use the ALTER TABLE statement with the ADD COLUMN clause.

Here’s the SQL statement to add the customer column:


This statement alters the sales table by adding a new column named customer with a data type of TEXT. After executing this statement, the sales table will have an additional column to store customer information.

Let’s verify the updated table structure:

PRAGMA table_info(sales);


cid  name      type    notnull  dflt_value  pk
---  --------  ------  -------  ----------  --
0    id        INTEGER  0                   1 
1    product   TEXT     0                   0
2    quantity  INTEGER  0                   0
3    price     REAL     0                   0 
4    date      DATE     0                   0
5    customer  TEXT     0                   0

As you can see, the sales table now includes the customer column.

Populating the New Column

After adding a new column, you may want to populate it with values for existing rows. You can use the UPDATE statement to set the values for the new column based on certain conditions.

For example, let’s populate the customer column for the existing sales records:

UPDATE sales
SET customer = 'ABC Inc.'
WHERE product = 'Widget A';

UPDATE sales 
SET customer = 'XYZ Corp.'
WHERE product = 'Gadget B';

These statements update the customer column for the existing rows based on the product values. Now, if we query the sales table, we’ll see the populated customer values:

SELECT * FROM sales;


id  product   quantity  price   date        customer
--  --------  --------  ------  ----------  ---------
1   Widget A  10        19.99   2023-07-01  ABC Inc. 
2   Gadget B   5        29.99   2023-07-02  XYZ Corp.
3   Widget A   8        19.99   2023-07-03  ABC Inc.

Adding Multiple Columns

SQLite allows you to add multiple columns to a table in a single ALTER TABLE statement. You can specify multiple ADD COLUMN clauses separated by commas.

For example, let’s add two more columns to the sales table: region and discount.


This statement adds both the region and discount columns to the sales table in a single operation. The updated table structure will look like this:

PRAGMA table_info(sales);


cid  name      type    notnull  dflt_value  pk
---  --------  ------  -------  ----------  --
0    id        INTEGER  0                   1
1    product   TEXT     0                   0 
2    quantity  INTEGER  0                   0
3    price     REAL     0                   0
4    date      DATE     0                   0 
5    customer  TEXT     0                   0
6    region    TEXT     0                   0
7    discount  REAL     0                   0

Real-World Business Use Case

Let’s consider a real-world business scenario where adding columns to an SQLite table can be beneficial. Imagine you have an e-commerce application that stores order information in an orders table. Initially, the table includes columns for order_id, product, quantity, price, and order_date.

As your business grows, you decide to introduce a loyalty program and want to track the loyalty points earned for each order. You can add a new column loyalty_points to the orders table to store this information.

ADD COLUMN loyalty_points INTEGER;

Now, whenever a new order is placed, you can calculate and store the loyalty points earned based on the order details. This allows you to easily track and manage customer loyalty within your application.

Additionally, you might want to analyze the performance of different product categories. To facilitate this, you can add a category column to the orders table.


With the category column, you can categorize each order based on the product type. This enables you to perform analytics and gain insights into the sales performance of different product categories.

Here’s an example of how the orders table might look with the added columns:

SELECT * FROM orders;


order_id  product      quantity  price   order_date  loyalty_points  category 
--------  -----------  --------  ------  ----------  --------------  --------
1         Smartphone   1         599.99  2023-07-01  50              Electronics
2         T-Shirt      3         24.99   2023-07-02  15              Clothing  
3         Headphones   2         99.99   2023-07-03  30              Electronics

By adding the loyalty_points and category columns, you can enhance your e-commerce application’s functionality and gain valuable insights for business decisions.


Adding columns to an SQLite table using the ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN statement is a powerful way to extend your database schema as your application evolves. It allows you to introduce new attributes to your tables without disrupting existing data.

In this article, we covered the basics of creating a table, adding new columns, populating the added columns with values, and adding multiple columns in a single statement. We also explored a real-world business use case where adding columns can provide valuable insights and enhance application functionality.

Remember to consider the impact of adding columns on your application code and make necessary adjustments to accommodate the new columns. With the ability to alter tables and add columns dynamically, SQLite provides the flexibility to adapt your database to changing requirements and support the growth of your application.