SQLite Current_Timestamp: Usage and Examples

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you need to keep track of the time when a particular record was created or updated in your SQLite database? Well, the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function is here to save the day! This built-in function provides a convenient way to retrieve the current date and time, and it can be used in various scenarios, from logging user activities to tracking data changes.

Creating a Sample Table

Before we dive into the details of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, let’s create a simple table to work with. Imagine you’re running an e-commerce business and want to track your customers’ orders. You might create a table like this:

    customer_name TEXT NOT NULL,
    product_name TEXT NOT NULL,
    quantity INTEGER NOT NULL,

In this example, we have a table named orders with columns for order_id, customer_name, product_name, quantity, and order_date. The order_date column is defined as a TIMESTAMP data type, and we’ve set the default value to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP. This means that whenever a new order is inserted into the table, the current date and time will be automatically recorded in the order_date column.

INSERT INTO orders (customer_name, product_name, quantity) VALUES
    ('John Doe', 'Widget X', 2),
    ('Jane Smith', 'Gadget Y', 1),
    ('Bob Johnson', 'Gizmo Z', 3);


order_id | customer_name | product_name | quantity | order_date
1        | John Doe      | Widget X     | 2        | 2023-05-15 10:30:00
2        | Jane Smith    | Gadget Y     | 1        | 2023-05-15 10:30:00
3        | Bob Johnson   | Gizmo Z      | 3        | 2023-05-15 10:30:00


While the default value for the order_date column is set to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, you can also explicitly use this function when inserting or updating records. Here’s an example:

INSERT INTO orders (customer_name, product_name, quantity, order_date) VALUES
    ('Alice Brown', 'Thingamajig', 5, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);


order_id | customer_name | product_name | quantity | order_date
1        | John Doe      | Widget X     | 2        | 2023-05-15 10:30:00
2        | Jane Smith    | Gadget Y     | 1        | 2023-05-15 10:30:00
3        | Bob Johnson   | Gizmo Z      | 3        | 2023-05-15 10:30:00
4        | Alice Brown   | Thingamajig | 5        | 2023-05-15 11:45:22

In this case, the order_date for Alice Brown’s order is set to the exact time when the record was inserted.

Updating Records with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

In addition to inserting new records, you can also use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP when updating existing records. For example, let’s say you want to keep track of the last time an order was modified:


This statement adds a new column named last_updated with a TIMESTAMP data type to the orders table.

Now, whenever you update an order, you can set the last_updated column to the current timestamp using the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function:

UPDATE orders SET quantity = 4, last_updated = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE order_id = 3;


order_id | customer_name | product_name | quantity | order_date           | last_updated
1        | John Doe      | Widget X     | 2        | 2023-05-15 10:30:00  | NULL
2        | Jane Smith    | Gadget Y     | 1        | 2023-05-15 10:30:00  | NULL
3        | Bob Johnson   | Gizmo Z      | 4        | 2023-05-15 10:30:00  | 2023-05-15 12:00:00
4        | Alice Brown   | Thingamajig | 5        | 2023-05-15 11:45:22  | NULL

This update sets the quantity for Bob Johnson’s order to 4 and updates the last_updated column with the current timestamp.

Practical Use Cases

The CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function has numerous practical applications in real-world scenarios. Here are a few examples:

  1. User Activity Logging: In a web application or mobile app, you can use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP to log user activities such as logins, logouts, and various actions performed within the application. This information can be invaluable for debugging, auditing, and analyzing user behaviour.
  2. Data Versioning: If you’re working with a database that stores document revisions or versioned data, you can use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP to record the timestamp of each revision or version. This allows you to track changes and revert to previous versions if necessary easily.
  3. Financial Transactions: In banking or financial applications, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP can be used to log transaction details, such as the time when a purchase was made, a payment was received, or an account was debited or credited.
  4. Event Tracking: For applications that deal with event management or scheduling, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP can be used to record the start and end times of events, as well as any updates or modifications made to the event details.
  5. Analytics and Reporting: When working with analytical databases or data warehouses, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP can be used to capture the timestamp of data ingestion or data processing operations. This information can be valuable for analyzing data freshness, identifying data lags, and optimizing data pipelines.

Comparison with Other Functions

SQLite provides several other functions for working with dates and times. Here’s a comparison table to help you understand their differences:

CURRENT_TIMESTAMPReturns the current date and time as a TEXT string in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).
CURRENT_DATEReturns the current date as a TEXT string in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
CURRENT_TIMEReturns the current time as a TEXT string in the format HH:MM:SS.
DATE()Returns the date portion of a date/time value as a TEXT string in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
TIME()Returns the time portion of a date/time value as a TEXT string in the format HH:MM:SS.
DATETIME()Returns the date and time portions of a date/time value as a TEXT string in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

While all these functions are useful in their own right, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP stands out as the most convenient option when you need to capture both the date and time components in a single operation.


The CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function in SQLite is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of recording timestamps for various operations within your database. Whether you’re logging user activities, tracking data changes, or analyzing financial transactions, this function provides a reliable and efficient way to capture the current date and time. By following the examples and practical use cases outlined in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to leverage the power of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in your SQLite databases.