SQLite with PowerShell: A Step-by-Step Guide to Database Management

SQLite databases are everywhere these days! SQLite provides a simple and lightweight way to store and organize data from your phone to your computer. In this article, we will talk about how to tap into the power of SQLite using PowerShell.

Now, you might be wondering…why use PowerShell for this? Great question! PowerShell makes it super easy to interact with SQLite databases. With just a few commands, you can create databases, add and query data, and more. Even if you’ve never worked with SQLite before, PowerShell provides a straightforward way to get up and running quickly.

And the best part is you don’t need any special tools or configuration. SQLite comes bundled with PowerShell out of the box. We’ll start from the basics, so you can follow along even if you’re brand new to PowerShell and SQLite.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have a solid foundation for working with SQLite and PowerShell. You’ll be able to create your own databases, manipulate data, run queries, and more! Sound exciting? Let’s get started!

SQLite Syntax: A Complete Beginner’s Guide

Setting Up SQLite with PowerShell

Setting up SQLite with PowerShell is pretty straightforward. First, you’ll want to download the SQLite .NET assembly that matches your .NET version. .NET 4.5 is a safe bet for Windows 10. After unzipping the file, you can load the SQLite library by running:


Next, to open a database like the Windows Appx state database, make a copy of it as an admin, then use this:

$sDatabasePath = "C:\path\to\copied\db.srd"

$sConnectionString = "Data Source=$sDatabasePath"

$SQLiteConnection = New-Object System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection 

$SQLiteConnection.ConnectionString = $sConnectionString


Working with SQLite Queries in PowerShell

Doing queries is at the heart of working with databases in PowerShell. Let’s walk through some examples.

To run a basic SELECT statement, you can do:

$command = $SQLiteConnection.CreateCommand()
$command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM PACKAGE" 
$command.CommandType = [System.Data.CommandType]::Text
$reader = $command.ExecuteReader()

Then to start reading the results, you can get column names with GetValues(), and loop through rows like:


while ($reader.HasRows){
  if ($reader.Read()){ 


Reading triggers is also important in managing a database. To query a specific trigger, you can do:

$command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'trigger' AND name='TRG_BEFOREDELETE_Package_SRJournal'"

$reader = $command.ExecuteReader()

while ($reader.HasRows){
  if ($reader.Read()){
    Write-Host "Trigger: " $reader["name"] 
    Write-Host "SQL Statement: " $reader["sql"]


Creating and Managing Your Own SQLite Database

Let’s walk through creating your own SQLite database in PowerShell.

First, create and open a new empty database file like so:

$databasePath = "C:\path\to\MyDatabase.sqlite"


$connectionString = "Data Source=$databasePath"

$SQLiteConnection = New-Object System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection

$SQLiteConnection.ConnectionString = $connectionString


Next, you can create tables and insert data. For example:

$command = $SQLiteConnection.CreateCommand()

$command.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE FavoriteBands (name VARCHAR(100), score INT)"


$command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO FavoriteBands (name, score) VALUES (@name, @score)"

$command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", "Metallica") 
$command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@score", 10)


And don’t forget to close the connection when you’re done:


That covers the basics of creating your own SQLite database in PowerShell and doing basic operations.

SQLite + PowerShell: A Lightweight yet Powerful Combo

SQLite is a versatile, lightweight database that can be easily leveraged in PowerShell. We’ve covered the key steps of getting started – from loading the SQLite library and opening an existing database, to running queries and managing your own database. With just a few lines of code, you can tap into the power of an embedded database directly within your PowerShell scripts.

The true power of SQLite shines through when you begin building more complex applications. You can create tables, insert and manage data, run advanced queries and transactions, set up triggers and constraints, and handle errors gracefully. As your needs grow, SQLite will continue to scale and perform.

Whether you need a simple local data store or a foundation for a client-server application, SQLite in PowerShell provides the tools. The examples we’ve walked through are just a subset of what’s possible. From here, you can continue to learn and expand your skillset. Refer to the SQLite documentation for incredibly detailed guidance on any topic.

Hopefully this overview has shown how accessible database programming can be in PowerShell using SQLite. You now have the knowledge to start building custom solutions, backed by the proven technology of SQLite. The possibilities are endless – all it takes is a bit of PowerShell code and creativity.